Julep is set to be bought out by Glansaol, a prestige makeup conglomerate put together by Warburg Pincus and cosmetics industry veteran Alan Ennis, the former CEO of Revlon.
They came in droves and then came back for more. More than 200 attendees on average congregated virtually for each of some two dozen ACG Global webinars in 2016, seeking fresh insight on important issues impacting middle-market deals and markets ripe for opportunity.
Innovation was the overriding message at the Washington Technology Showcase: Building the Innovation Bridge, an event produced jointly by ACG National Capital and the not-for-profit MITRE Corp.
Many middle-market companies had been scrambling to meet a Dec. 1 deadline for an updated rule that would have extended overtime pay to more than 4 million workers.
Overall middle-market valuations are trending higher for the year, while deal flow remained steady in the third quarter, according to GF Data, which tracks transaction data from private equity firms.
NIST, The National Institute of Standards and Technology, has released a new guide designed to help businesses arm themselves with best practices against potential cyberthreats.