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Kathryn Mulligan

Envisioning the Future of Health Care

Health care and investment industry leaders delved into emerging opportunities in pharma and life sciences during two recent virtual sessions presented by ACG.

A Qualified Opinion: Kelley Powell

Kelley Powell, CEO and partner of MacLaurin Group, corresponded with MMG about how private equity firms should approach technology due diligence and more.

In-Person Is the Essential Currency of PE Business Development

As we emerge from the pandemic, eye contact and the last-call cocktail have the highest bang for the buck and are poised for a comeback.

Answerthink Powers High Performance Life Science Firms

Many institutional investors have reservations when it comes to life science M&A deals—but Answerthink can address critical business challenges.

Hungry Like a Wolf

This Miami-based private equity firm continues to build out its precision machining platform by challenging industry paradigms.

Tackling the Tech Needs of SMBs

With two acquisitions under its belt this year and a rebrand set for summer, ECS/My IT takes on an overlooked market.

Using Tech to Drive DEI

How technology tools paired with new ways of thinking can help companies create more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces.

How PE Firms Can Make the Most of Their Tax Data

On the podcast, Lauren Demas, a principal with RSM US LLP, explains what PE firms should be doing with their tax data and how to get started.

Marketing Meets Private Equity Business Development

A decade ago, putting up a basic website and issuing a press release after closing a deal was the extent of a typical shop's marketing activities—but no longer.