Working from Home? Here’s How to Update Your Address on File with ACG
The May/June issue of Middle Market Growth is in the mail. If you're working from home, here's where to find it online and how to update your address.

Kathryn Mulligan
Middle Market Growth
The May/June edition of Middle Market Growth magazine is on its way to members of the Association for Corporate Growth. We realize that, for many of you, the address on file is your office address, and that most of you aren’t going into the office much these days. In that case, your print copy will be waiting for you when you return. In the meantime, you can access the full issue online.
It’s still too soon to tell where we’ll all be working in mid-June, when our next issue goes to print, but if you’d like to update your mailing address to receive MMG at home, here’s how to do it:
1. Log in to your membership profile. (If you don’t remember your login details, you can use the “Forgot Your Password?” function, or contact for help.)
2. Select “My ACG” in the upper righthand corner.
3. Click the red button beside your photo to “Update/View Full Profile.”
4. Edit your address.
5. Check the “Primary” box.
6. Select a “Change Reason” from the dropdown menu.
7. Click “Save” to update.
After you’ve completed the update, return to your “My Profile” page to check out the resources available to you as an ACG member. Explore the member directory to find ACG members based on location, area of expertise or industry focus, among other criteria. Or check out ACG CapitalLink, which gives you access to parts of PitchBook’s database. You’ll also find links to view or post jobs on ACG JobSource, and details about offerings available to members through Insperity.
If you have questions about updating your address, or any of the ACG resources mentioned above, please contact
Thanks for reading MMG and we hope you enjoy the May/June issue.