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Kathryn Mulligan

Middle-Market Public Policy Roundup

Lawmakers are under pressure to pass a second round of stimulus relief before a Supreme Court nomination and just weeks ahead of national elections.

Vertical Bridge’s Founders on the Business of Wireless

Alex Gellman and Bernard Borghei discuss the increasing need for telecommunications infrastructure, Vertical Bridge's M&A activity and more.

With Flexible Capital, Business Owners Create Growth on Their Own Terms

The landscape has changed markedly in many industries, presenting opportunities for future growth if business leaders know how to take advantage of them.

Adventure Ready Brands Keeps Campers Happy

After its outdoor enthusiast customers spent months inside, Adventure Ready Brands has seen a spike in demand for its products as retailers and parks reopened.

Middle-Market Public Policy Roundup

The Supreme Court rejects a private equity case, the DOJ cites PE as a preferred buyer, a legislative package would deny aid to PE-backed restaurants, and more.

Private Equity Listed as a ‘Preferred’ Divested Assets Buyer by DOJ

The DOJ will use the same criteria to evaluate private equity firms as it does with other strategic buyers when they buy divested assets.

The Keys to Great Teamwork

To create a high functioning executive team, leaders must foster an environment of communication, choose the right leaders, and be willing to get rid of the wrong leaders.

Preparing for an Era of “Big Government”

On the podcast, RSM Deputy Chief Economist Kevin Depew discusses the state of the U.S. economic recovery, the role of government and more.

As Consumer Preferences Evolve, So Does M&A

Branded goods and the companies that make them are changing at a rapid pace—and so are M&A deals and trends.

Middle Market Growth Awards

The Middle Market Growth Awards recognize exceptional middle-market companies and young professionals. Here's how to apply.