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Kathryn Mulligan

Middle-Market Public Policy Roundup

The presidential election continues with no clear winner, the SEC issues a new rule, and Senators announce a new group.

Mid-size Companies Underutilize Loss Control Help from Their Insurers

Despite overwhelming interest in engaging their insurance provider’s loss control services, only 26% interact with the department annually.

Retooling Factory Security for the Digital Age

Many midsize manufacturers lack the proper cybersecurity infrastructure to shield themselves—or a future owner—from the fallout of a hack.

The Importance of a Human Capital Management Strategy

Here are some tips that can help companies adapt to the new economy and reach for new levels of prosperity.

Promoting Women, the COVID Matrix and Biden Tax Plan: Day 2 of M&A East

On the final day of M&A East, middle-market professionals discussed promoting women inside PE firms, post-COVID due diligence, and more.

It’s the Small Things: Trends in Consumer Products

Read about how coronavirus is turning the home into a grocery store and gym, and other trends shaping consumer products.

Changing Consumer Behavior and Dealmaking via Zoom: Day 1 of M&A East 2020

Middle-market professionals are taking advantage of the new opportunities that have arisen during the pandemic.

Middle-Market Public Policy Roundup

The Senate fails again to pass a stimulus package, analysts warn of a contested election, and the Supreme Court gets a new justice.

A Signature Move

Writing instrument maker A.T. Cross counts U.S. presidents among its loyal following, but it, too, has had to adapt to changes in the market.

All Ashore

With help from their private equity owners, some middle-market companies are reconfiguring their supply chains to meet the growing demand for American-made products.