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Carolyn Vallejo

Out of State, but Not out of Mind

Creating the optimal health plan for satellite employees may require some nuance

Aug. 11, 2022: Wafra Takes Minority Stake in Thompson Street

Plus, Bain Capital Credit notes $2.4B investment in the middle market, and GenNx360 backs a B2B IT solutions provider

‘The Great Resignation’ and the Top 5 Employee-related Risks That Most Worry Midsize Companies

QBE North America's Lucas Prahl examines the biggest employee-related challenges companies face this year

Q&A: Hiring Talent Where Talent Lives

Globalization Partners' Rich Coffee speaks with Katie Mulligan about today's global recruiting environment

The New Breed of Business Development

How PE firm Francisco Partners is using data and technology to enhance business development

Leaving the Public Sphere

Market conditions and individual business circumstances could spell an uptick in public companies entering private ownership—and embarking on a new path to growth

Your M&A Deal Imploded: Now What?

Lowenstein Sandler’s Marita Makinen offers guidance for middle-market dealmakers in case a merger suddenly falls through

The State of the Mid-Market with Twin Brook’s Chris Martin

This episode is brought to you by Twin Brook Capital Partners, a direct lending finance company focused on providing cash-flow based financing solutions for the middle market private equity community

What Is the Best Piece of Professional Advice That You Have Ever Received?

Middle-market M&A leaders share their most impactful and memorable business tips

Aug. 1, 2022: LNC Acquires Wealth Management Business

Plus, Blue River advises on manufacturing acquisition, and XLCS advises on aerospace parts merger